We are a well-established independent, innovative, heritage consultancy with over 20 years experience in the commercial sector.
Our client base consists of development companies, architects, planning consultants, local authorities, local builders, and numerous private owners.
Offices in Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire provides us with a platform to serve clients throughout the Midlands, East-Anglia and the South-East.
We provide a wide range of professional heritage services, from desk-based assessments and heritage mitigation strategies, through to full excavation and publication.
At Midland Archaeological Services we are aware that many of our clients commission archaeological works to obtain and satisfy planning conditions. For some clients this may be an unwanted and unwelcome problem.
Our guidance and advice can help to minimise heritage issues and implications of a site, reduce, or even remove a site’s heritage risk, and make suitable provision for heritage risk in our client’s budgets.
We work in accordance with current national and local authority professional guidelines and strictly follow the rules and regulations of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA). We are committed to maintaining high standards for all types of archaeological projects. We aim to deliver a quality, cost-effective and integrated service to our clients.
All images used on this site are the property of Midland Archaeological Services unless otherwise stated.